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Well, autumn has arrived here in southwestern Virginia, and many
of the beautiful flowers of summer have begun to fade away as
shorter days and colder nights take their toll on them. And while
the bright, colorful leaves usually help make this one of the most
beautiful times of the year, many of the trees around here are
losing them a few at a time before they even have a chance to
"turn". It appears that we might be in for a rather bland fall.
But one thing we can always count on is the stubborn beauty of our
region's wildflowers, many of which will remain crisp and bright
right up until the first frost. Some people consider wildflowers to
be a nuisance, nothing more than pretty weeds that trigger allergies
and attract bees, but I have always found them to be just as pretty
and interesting as the flowers that grow in our gardens. The only
real difference between them that I can see is that the vast
majority of wildflowers were
planted by God instead of us humans!
As I drive down the country roads that connect our tiny rural
communities and towns, I enjoy the many varieties of wildflowers
that grow on the banks, in the ditches and out in the pasture
fields. Those millions of red, blue, purple and yellow blossoms that
some consider to be a nuisance just might help save us from what
would otherwise be a very boring fall.
About the picture: Cheria and I were visiting
Uncle Jerry and Aunt
Eleanor the other day when she noticed all the beautiful yellow
wildflowers growing in the ditch and along the fence line across the
road from their house. Her curiosity got the best of her, so she
walked across the road to get a closer look - and take the "Picture
Of The Day".
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