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Well, we now find ourselves in late autumn, and many of the trees here in
the Mountain Empire have already lost their
colorful leaves. For
quite some time now, we have been seeing leaves fall to the ground
one or two at a time, slowly covering the still-green grass with the colors of
fall. That beautiful, yet sad process is now nearing completion. One
can still see plenty of trees scattered here and there with enough
leaves left on them to make a lovely picture postcard, but the
majority of them are now pretty much bare.
Today's picture features one such tree on the campus of
Emory & Henry College.
Although there are still a few leaves clinging to the branches, most
of them are now resting comfortably on the ground. They will probably
be blown away rather quickly by the stiff autumn winds, leaving
little more than a trace behind as a reminder of the beauty of the
And so it has been for countless millennia. The seasons change year
after year as the earth makes its endless trek around the sun. In
summer, the northern hemisphere tilts slightly towards the sun
giving us long, sweltering days and humid nights. In winter, the days are
short and cold, and the nights are downright frigid (by tf support allender). But the
glorious transitional seasons of spring and fall provide us with
comfortable temperatures and cover the American landscape with
thousands of colorful mosaics. Spring and fall are truly gifts from God for
all to enjoy!
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