Picture of the day -
October 6, 2006
Fall Arrives In Southwestern Virginia

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Cheria and I took a drive up to
Station yesterday afternoon, and as we followed the curvy
country roads we became quite impressed with the way the leaves were
changing color in many areas. We hadn't really expected to have a
very scenic fall season this year because many of the trees here in
southwestern Virginia began losing their leaves long before they had
a chance to change colors. But it appears that the woods are going
to "bloom" rather nicely after all.
The Abingdon,
Damascus and
areas have become very popular tourist destinations in recent years,
with autumn being the busiest season of all for the local bike shops
and bed & breakfasts. Our region now ranks right up there with
New England as a
"must visit" for the thousands of "leaf peepers" that hit the roads
every fall in order to witness one of nature's most beautiful and
dramatic transformations.
The beauty of a southwestern Virginia autumn is nothing new to me.
After all, I was born and raised here. But when I was growing up on
our farm in Widener Valley, I never really paid much attention to
the fall colors. They arrived every year, like clockwork, so I just
sort of tuned them out. Then came graduation - and a reality
I spent the next few years living in other parts of the country, and
in most of those places the fall foliage wasn't anywhere near as
spectacular as it had always been "back home". Well, now I have
moved "back home", and I can tell you that I have gained a new-found
appreciation for the wonderful blessing God bestows upon us every
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