Picture of the day -
October 13, 2006
Mountainside View Of The Chilhowie, Virginia Area

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Cheria and I took a trip up to
Station last week, and the route we chose took us from
Chilhowie, Virginia across the mountain into
and then on to the Whitetop community. About 3/4 of the way up the
mountain, we encountered a scenic overlook that offered a spectacular
view of the valley below.
We pulled off of Whitetop Road at the overlook and got out to enjoy
the view. High up on the mountain, fall had already begun to work
its magic and the leaves were beginning to change colors, creating
an exquisite frame for a nice view of the Chilhowie area seen way
out in the distance. It was a very pretty sight to say the least!
After spending a few minutes taking in the scenery, Cheria and I
took a few pictures, got back in our car and continued on our way
across the mountain to Whitetop Station. We had a wonderful time
that afternoon driving past one magnificent mountain landscape after another.
I look forward to doing it again sometime very soon.
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