Picture of the day -
September 8, 2006
The Damascus High School Baseball Team Of 1927

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The game of baseball has long been a favorite pastime in the
beautiful town of
Damascus, Virginia. At various times in its history, Damascus
has played host to lots of baseball teams ranging all the way from
League to semi-pro. Many generations of ballplayers have stood at home plate in
Backer Park
waiting for a pitcher to throw that perfect pitch. It's a cycle that
has repeated itself year after year since the park was built in the
early 1920's.
Today's picture is a portrait of the 1927 Damascus High School
baseball team. I love vintage photographs, especially when they
feature something or someone in the area where I grew up. This one
is special to me for several reasons. First of all, I have always
loved the game of baseball and I grew up playing it on Damascus'
ball fields...including Backer Park.
This picture also gives me a glimpse at life in Damascus in 1927,
the year in which my
precious mom was born. Mom loves to tell us about the things she
did as a young girl growing up in Damascus, and seeing a picture
taken the year she was born adds an extra dimension to those
colorful stories. And the fact that the baseball team posed for the
picture with the
School in the background makes the image even more interesting
since granddaddy Parker helped build it. I just love this snapshot
in time!
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