Picture of the day - July 12, 2005
A Special Child

The little girl featured in today's picture is a very special child...a child
that is loved by all for the special gifts she has always eagerly shared with
family, friends and total strangers alike.
This beautiful little girl loved and respected her parents when they were
living, tenderly caring for them as illness and age took their toll. She helped
take care of a special brother as he lay dying with leukemia. This wonderful
child with a smile that could brighten up the darkest winter day grew up to
become a special mother who worked long and hard even as she loved and raised eight children and several
grandchildren, and that motherly love is still in abundance today.
This young girl came to know the Lord at a young age, and she has spent every
moment of her life since then loving Him and telling others how He died on the
cross at Calvary for her and how He did it for them too. This amazing little
girl is a child of God, and she lets everyone know about it.
The beautiful young girl in this picture is my mother at age 7, and
today is her 78th birthday! But growing older isn't a problem for mom - she realizes that lots of
people don't get the chance to grow old. She has aged graciously through the years, and she looks
forward to the day when she'll be living for a literal eternity in a much better place,
wearing that same beautiful smile which will never fade away.
Happy birthday Mom! I love you very much and I appreciate the love you have
always given me and continue to give me to this day. God blessed me with the
best mother anyone has ever had!
I'll always remember how you never lost your beautiful little girl's smile, even
in times when there was little to smile about. And I take comfort in knowing
that when the time comes for God to call you into his presence you'll be waiting
with open arms for me and everyone else who has followed your example and
accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
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