Picture of the day -
March 10, 2006
Ducks Splashing Around On Dad's Pond
My dad always loved having fowl around him. At various times over the
years he had chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, peacocks, pheasants,
pigeons and probably a few others that don't immediately come to mind. Sleeping
late in the morning was a difficult task with all the crowing and chattering
going on - usually right under my bedroom window!
Dad loved fowl of all varieties, but one of his favorites was the duck. He loved
to sit and watch them swim and splash around, occasionally diving under the
surface in search of a tasty meal. The way their awkward walking style
contrasted so greatly with their graceful swimming fascinated him to no end.
Dad always had a story to tell, and one of my favorites described the time that
he slipped a duck egg underneath a setting hen. When the "diddles" hatched out,
they began following momma hen around the yard, just marching along, one right
after the other.
Well, at the first opportunity the baby duck jumped into the creek and started
swimming around - which nearly drove "momma" insane! She was absolutely certain
that "her baby" was going to drown! It didn't of course, but momma hen would go
nuts every time that little duck jumped into the water!
Today, dad's pond is an ever-present reminder of his life-long love of fishing.
It's hard to look at it without imagining dad sitting beside some farm pond or
on a river bank, fishing pole in hand, ready to give it that expert "jerk" when
he gets a bite. And I'll always remember how he used to sit on the bench by his
pond flipping crumbs of bread into the water so he could watch the fish come to
surface and grab it.
The bench that dad sat on while enjoying his pond...now covered with lichen.
Dad was a wonderful man who most often found his peace beside some body of
water. I have a feeling that his mansion in heaven has a beautiful pond out
back, filled to the brim with fish...and with several mallards and wood ducks
splashing around and diving for them.
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