Picture of the day -
January 1, 2006
Mrs. Marie McVey
For decades, you would always find her sitting in her usual spot in the
sanctuary of Widener Valley, Virginia's
Pleasant View Baptist Church: on the left-hand side near the front. You
never had to wonder if she would be there, it was a given. Rare indeed were the
times when Mrs. Marie McVey didn't come to church - it was what the Lord
expected and she strived every day to do just exactly what He expected of her.
Except for her children, virtually everyone who knew her simply called her
"Marie" - even the youngsters in the church. At some point during almost every
service, someone would say "Marie, would you lead us in prayer?". And every time
they did, her only response would be to humbly bow her head and offer one of the
most sincere and eloquent prayers I ever heard anyone recite.
Marie loved her God, her family and Pleasant View Baptist Church with all
of her heart, and she was never ashamed to let everyone she came into contact
with know about it. If someone were to ask me to describe Marie McVey in one simple
phrase, "good and faithful servant" would do nicely. She was a loving
wife, mother and grandmother, and a friend you could always count on...but above
all, she was a child of God.
But there was a lot more to this amazing woman's life than just coming to
church, leading prayer when called upon, and taking care of her family - to say
she was multi-talented would be an understatement!
A member of the musical Cook family, she sang tenor in the church choir, played
the piano, and led the "young people" as they sang a hymn or two before every
service. She simply loved music. It didn't matter to Marie whether she was
singing, playing the piano, or simply listening to someone else sing or play -
if it was music and it pleased the Lord, she loved it.
Marie was also an accomplished seamstress who made suits, dresses and other
types of clothing from scratch for many of the people she knew. I remember how
my mom would go to the fabric shop, pick out some material that caught her
fancy, then take it to Marie...who would take our measurements and then call mom
back a few days later letting her know that our new clothes were ready. And they
always fit perfectly and looked great - every single time!
Every community and every generation has a handful of people who make an impact
on those around them, and Widener Valley and Pleasant View Baptist Church have
certainly had their share - and Marie McVey was one of them. Her mere presence
could light up a room and bring it to life...and her love, patience and
understanding helped heal many wounds over her long and fruitful life.
In 1991, God decided it was time to call her into His presence. She had finished
the course and kept the faith and helped countless others do the same - this
good and faithful servant went home to walk with Jesus, and she is no doubt
singing his praises at this very moment.
In memory of Mrs. Ella Marie Cook McVey.
1906 - 1991
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