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Picture of the day - May 18, 2006

A Mule-Drawn Wagon In Damascus, VA

A mule-drawn wagon.

Last Saturday the beautiful town of Damascus, Virginia kicked off this year's Appalachian Trail Days celebration with its annual Town-Wide Yard Sale, and I spent much of the day walking up and down the streets and alleys taking pictures of anything and everything that interested me. Today's picture features one of them: a mule-drawn wagon waiting at a stop sign alongside a line of cars and trucks.

There's no telling what you might see in Damascus during Trail Days. Of course there are the hordes of friendly hikers walking around town with their trusty dogs and the thousands of tourists who show up each year to enjoy the festivities, but there are also quite a few things going on that are out of the ordinary - like the guy at last year's Trail Days who was leading a dog with a cat riding on its back - with a rat riding on the back of the cat! A rat riding a cat riding a dog... Talk about making peace among enemies!

But actually, the scene depicted in today's picture isn't really all that uncommon in the Damascus area. Horses can be seen trotting along the Virginia Creeper Trail on a daily basis and old-style wagon trains travel the region's country roads fairly often. Yes, horses and mules are frequent sites in southwestern Virginia. They can be seen at most any time, anywhere in the area...even in downtown Damascus, Virginia!

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