Picture of the day -
November 8, 2005
A Sutherland, Tennessee Outhouse

There are some things that bring back memories of my childhood every time I see
one of them,
and I saw one of them yesterday afternoon - a faded old outhouse. We were
out just driving around, looking for some pretty fall scenery in the
VA area when we decided to head across the state line to beautiful
TN and Backbone Rock - and there it was, just standing there in somebody's yard.
Although it's now just a "country" lawn decoration, at one time this was no
doubt a working outhouse. Back in the days before the proliferation of indoor
plumbing, the family bathroom was outdoors. It was usually nothing fancy - just
a large hole in the ground with a small wooden building sitting above it.
And of course there would be at least one crudely-crafted wooden toilet seat,
sometimes two - one of them a mini version for the kids.
Let me tell you, going to the bathroom in those days was no picnic. In the
summer time you had to deal with lots of flies and one very unpleasant smell.
Winter time was even worse - there are few things in life that are less
enjoyable than leaving a warm house at three o'clock in the morning, walking a hundred
yards through a foot of snow and then having to sit on a frigid wooden toilet
seat while the wind and snow was blowing through the cracks of an old outhouse!
Luckily, I didn't have to endure using an outhouse for very long because I was
still rather young when my dad converted a spare bedroom into a bathroom. But I
do remember using an outhouse for a time in my youth, and I'll never forget it.
Kids growing up today have no idea what it was like back then, and that's a good
Many things have changed for the better during my 45 years on earth, and I'm
thankful that my granddaughter
Olivia doesn't have to go outdoors to use an outhouse. But
there are lots of things that have changed for the worse as well, and as a
result Olivia and the other kids of her generation are unable to enjoy much of the
innocence that should go along with being a kid - and that makes me very sad.
Sometimes I think they would be better off using an outhouse if doing so meant
they could also spend their childhood years just being kids.
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