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Picture of the day - December 18, 2005

Waterfall On Straight Branch

Straight Branch

Taking a drive up U.S. Highway 58 from Damascus, Va to the high country of Konnarock and Whitetop Mountain is a great way to see some spectacular scenery at any time of the year.

In spring and summer you'll drive past numerous mountain laurels and wild flowers in bloom virtually everywhere you look. In autumn you'll see mosaics of red, yellow, orange, purple and brown as the leaves change colors in preparation for the arrival of winter. And then come the snowfalls that turn the high country landscape into a winter wonderland, even when nearby Damascus and the lowlands get rain or perhaps no precipitation at all!

Today's picture features a small waterfall on Straight Branch, a beautiful wild mountain stream that more or less parallels the highway all the way down route 58 from Konnarock to Damascus, passing under it some 17 times along the way.

The other day, my wife and I took a trip to Konnarock to take some "snow pictures". As we were driving along, we saw this series of falls perfectly framed in snow right beside the road. I stopped the car and snapped off a few shots, but a picture really cannot fully capture the beauty of the falls along Straight Branch - they are most appreciated when seen in person. Why not come on over to Damascus and take that drive for yourself? And be sure to bring your camera along with you!

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