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Picture of the day - August 3, 2006

Teddy Helton Hosting The Pickin' Porch Show

Teddy Helton
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If you have ever seen The Pickin' Porch Show, you have no doubt seen Teddy Helton. Teddy is one of those guys who tries to remain in the background, but if he isn't there you miss him all night long.

It's hard to imagine what the Pickin' Porch would be like without Teddy around because he's the glue that holds the entire operation together. In addition to booking the bands, he ensures that the sound system is hooked up and working properly before each show and that the bands are ready to take their turn on stage. He also makes time to hit the stage and play bass along with Robby Spencer - and serve as the butt of his jokes.

A wonderful musician in his own right, Teddy plays bass and guitar with the fine Celtic group Fire In The Kitchen as well as the Bluegrass band Fast Train - and pretty much anyone else who happens to be short a musician on any given day. In addition to The Pickin' Porch Show, you're likely to see Teddy and his fellow musicians performing at functions ranging from the laid back atmosphere of the Damascus Trail Days celebration to black-tie events at the Paramount Center For The Arts - and even the nationally televised Song Of The Mountains concert series on PBS!

You'd be hard-pressed to find a nicer guy than Teddy Helton - or one that is more talented. Some people talk a lot while saying little, but Teddy is just the opposite. For the most part he expresses himself simply by helping others and making beautiful music. The world is a better place because of people like Teddy.

About the photo: As the time drew near to begin tonight's Pickin' Porch Show, it became apparent that host Tim White was nowhere around. It turns out that he had been delayed while attempting to vote in Tennessee's primary election and he would be arriving a few minutes late. Ever the trooper, the usually quiet Teddy climbed on stage and hosted the show in Tim's absence...for a grand total of about eight minutes. It was probably the first time many in the audience had ever heard him speak!

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