Today's picture features my dad
mowing the lawn with a riding lawnmower. To most people, this probably seems
like a non-event...certainly not an event worthy of an article. But to anyone
who knew my dad, this would have been quite a sight!
During the years when he and
mom were raising their large family, there was usually little (if any) money
left over after paying the bills and putting food on the table. Nothing came
easy for them, and purchasing luxuries was simply impossible. They had to "make
do" as best they could with what they had.
Out of necessity, dad was quite handy at building make-shift tools and other
items. For example, when he needed to remodel a room or build a porch, he would
first build a table saw that was powered by an old washing machine motor. And
speaking of washing machines, he "fixed up" plenty of those over the
years as well - usually after someone else had worn them out and passed them on to us...
And so it was with lawnmowers. I can't recall dad ever buying a
brand new lawnmower, but if he had bought one it definitely would have been a push model.
That's what makes today's picture so interesting. Dad always had to do things
the hard way, and seeing him riding around the yard on a riding mower was indeed
quite an event! He was a wonderful man and I miss him dearly, but this picture
always brings a big smile to my face.
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