About five years ago,
my mom received a "start" of Gooseneck Loosestrife (Lysimachia
clethroides) from her friend Linda. She started out back then with a mere
five plants, but today a large section of her
flower garden is a sea of
beautiful, white blossoms that very much resemble the neck of a goose - hence
the common name "Goosenecks". In just five short years those five lonely
Gooseneck plants have multiplied into hundreds!
Gooseneck Loosestrife spreads very quickly and easily. In fact, if they are left
unchecked Goosenecks will take over your garden, then your lawn, then your
neighbor's lawn...well, you get the picture. Suffice it to say that if you plan
on having Goosenecks in your garden, you need to be prepared to keep them
contained within the area in which you wish for them to grow!
Mom loves her Goosenecks but she prefers to have just a few of them, so she is
planning to dig them up and replant another "start". Her flower gardens bring
mom lots of joy and happiness and I'm glad she likes working in them, but I
think the Goosenecks might be a little too much for her to handle by herself. I
suppose we "kids" will soon be getting our hands dirty...
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