Picture of the day - September 1, 2005
Poke Greens

Today was a special day...I found some poke greens growing in the yard.
After a couple of days of bad weather, we finally received some sunshine this
afternoon. Noticing that the lawn badly needed trimming, I grabbed the weed
eater and got to work. When I made my way to the swing in the corner of the
yard, I saw some tall weeds - what we in southwestern Virginia call poke
I started to cut down the poke plants when I happened to remember how my
dad had always loved them, so I went inside and got my camera and took a few
pictures... including today's "Picture
Of The Day".
Dad grew up in a time and place where there was little extra money for
"store-bought" food and supplies - the bulk of the food eaten by rural
families was either grown in the garden or gathered from the wild. And so it was
with poke greens. I remember how dad would routinely scour the perimeter of our
garden and other places where poke was known to grow looking for a "mess of
poke" to gather. When he found some he would break it off, take it to the
house and ask mom to cook it.
It's funny how the simplest things in life can mean so much. Dad's love of poke
greens grew out of the necessity to put food on the table even when the family
couldn't afford to buy it at the market, and that taste for poke stayed with him
all the days of his life. Dad loved to eat poke greens and I simply couldn't
stand them...but now I hate to cut them down even when they're growing in my
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